Tag Archives: boho

Let me take you somewhere.

In your teens you go through trial and error. Experiencing new and some times naughty things. Not knowing who really are, but starting to know who you want to be, and changing that the following week. It’s was okay to make mistakes, and you knew everything, especially more than your parents.

He kissed you on the cheek and you held his hand. Sending I love you’s across the classroom scribbled on a note. You had knots in your hair and dirt on your face.

You grew a little older.

Sneaking your Nan’s Magic Silver white, blackening your lips and dressing like you were at a funeral. What was once called goth, now Emo. You were there, you lived it, and you probably owned it.

You talked to your girlfriends all night on the phone, much to your parents disgust. Organising to sneak off to a party, where you could meet up with the cool boys and maybe take it one step further.

A little time passed.

Your now in your twenties. your repeating some of those mistakes, you may have learned from one or two. You start to know yourself, but still figuring out who you actually are. Your hair is now perfectly toned blonde,or maybe balayaged. You sip your latte and you flick through the latest pages of Russh, checking out ASOS in your lunch break. Keeping up to every latest trend, checking out what she’s wearing next to you.  You just broke up with him via text.

How did life get so complicated. How can you choose when there are so many options.

When will it end.

Take a minute. Stop.

I want to take you on a journey. Before technology took its toll, life was simple. Beautifully, romantically simple…

Loose your self with these images, remember when it all wasn’t so complicated.

Even just for a minute…