Bear in the trees…

Here, was a little shoot we did – with a couple of favourite pieces. I love the mixture of patterns, furs and textures! I also love the bold shoulder with the fur vest draped over the top! Hope you like xo


James Frost Photography

JEWELERY – Collette, PANTS – Sportsgirl, TOP- Sportsgirl, SHOES – Jeffery Campbell

Little Girl Inside…

Just across the river from our little humble home, are some amazing little openings amongst the trees, just before you reach the beach.Being there takes me back to when i was a little girl. I use to play in the bush behind my Grandma’s house. In a world where fairies and goblins existed and i rode around on my unicorn! I had a very vivid imagination. For hours i would play, mother nature was indeed my best friend.I still remember my grandma telling me the moss covered rocks were where the fairies danced. Just like then, amongst the tree’s today, i could not help feel the magic.


JACKET – Sportsgirl, MAXI – Shieke, SHOES – Jeffery Campbell, JEWELLRY – fire

Thanks once again to James Frost for the amazing photography

Sea – ing Navajo…

On our way down South to attend a traditional Spanish feast, we couldn’t help but stop and take in the afternoon sunset, at a little place called Warilla on the South Coast of New South Wales. Not a person in sight except for a lonely fisherman.







DRESS – Mink, PONCHO – Vintage, TIGHTS – Sass and Bide, SHOES – Jeffery Campbell

Photography by James Frost

San – Don

What a magnificent afternoon, the sun set over the mountains and the color exploded in the sky. A dog waits for his owner and greets him each time he returns to shore from riding a wave. We hung around and shot some photos by the old sailor sheds and watched the swell slowly on the rise. Ready to kick my heels off and join the surfers out on the point, slowly the moon rises and the light fades.


PHOTOGRAPHY – James Frost, VEST – Tattoo, TOP – Lola Vs Harper, SHORTS – Reworked Vintage, SHOES – Peep Toe, EARRINGS – Diva

Head Hunter

Today we drove up into the Mountains, The view was amazing, You could see the valleys, lakes and coast. There is one thing i have fallen in love with living on the south coast, and its the landscape. It is amazing. Here is a couple of shots my husband James frost took! I hope you enjoy!





ImageJACKET – Dotti, SHIRT- lola vs Harper

The Maltings

A cold rainy day, meant the perfect opportunity to do some more exploring, We found ourselves at a town called Mittagong, at a beautiful group of abandoned buildings that were built in 1914. We later found out that it was once a brewery that was ravaged by fire in 1965. so much history be hind the old bricks and un-kept gardens.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

(JACKET – Leather custom made, TIGHTS- Sass and Bide leather look, TOP – Mink, SHOES – Vans, HEADPIECE – Diva)

photography by James Frost

Old Apple

A little photo shoot with my amazing husband photographer James Frost. Since moving to the south coast we often go on little drives exploring the country side. Today we ended up at a little apple orchard at a place called Darkes forrest. The owners, an old friendly couple let us frolic in the golden light amongst their apple trees. The wind was as crisp as the apples we were biting in too! The light was amazing and inspired us to shoot a couple of my vintage favourites that will soon be on the market. You can see more amazing photography at



Did i mention that the man i married is an amazing photographer?

Introducing James Frost from James Frost Photography

James was inspired by his grandad who was a well respected photographer in the UK. James first passion was shooting on vintage film cameras.

” I use to watch my granddad develop these images there was something so ghostly and magical the way the image would appear in the dark room. I soon learned how to play with the images through the use of light.”

James soon moved on to the world of digital imaging, and had a strong focus in documentary, fashion and surf photography.

“It wasn’t all smooth sailing i was naughty in school, in many ways i thought that i would struggle through life like i did in the class room. The letters on my page just didn’t seem to make sense”.

James was diagnosed with severe dyslexia and short term memory loss, which generally goes hand in hand. James was embarrassed by this diagnoses which allowed him to become disruptive in his younger years, it wasn’t until he met with a specialist that the moment of truth came to him.

” I remember sitting in his office, and he looked at me and said Are you good with your hands? i didn’t know what he quite meant being a teenage boy! He explained that generally people with dyslexia are better with there hands and creativity, i knew in an instant that for me, it was my photography. The one thing in my world that wasn’t jumbled or confusing, it was my escape.”

From there James traveled from coast line to fishing village capturing a mixture of surf and documentary images, it wasn’t until his early twenties he studied fashion photography which added another element to his photography.

“Well you know the rest of the story lauren, we met in spain while you were on the bodyboarding tour and we fell in love then i moved to Australia in in 2011, we were married that year and i have been shooting weddings ever since”.

Well the rest IS history James moved to Australia in 2011 to marry his fiance Lauren (me!) and has been shooting weddings ever since. His wedding photography is not your standard, it is high fashion, documentary and a little bit of quirky all rolled into one. To check out James photography please go to

Faces of Galder – Documentary

Wedding Photography

My mum….The Fight Against Breast Cancer

May 2, 2012

My mum and i use to clash when i was growing up.

I’m not too sure if it was because we were so similar or polar opposites. It wasnt until my twenties that

i really found my best friend, my mum.

Now everybody loves their mum, but my mum would have to be the most beautiful caring person i have ever met.

She goes out of her way to ensure everyone is happy. My mum has put my brother and i before herself or anything for as long as i can remember.

My mum knows everything about me, you know the things that you wouldn’t tell your mum, well she knows it all – and has never judged me once.

I don’t have much family and in many ways my mum is all i have, she is my Angel, and my best friend…

3 weeks ago my mum found a lump under her arm, the doctors weren’t to worried as she had only had a mammogram and ultrasound  12 months prior.

They were wrong, my mum had breast cancer 2 lumps and it had spread to her lymphodes. It appeared to be an extremely aggressive cancer.

cancer…the disease that old people are suppose to get, the disease that you hear of a friends friend getting. NO, its a horrible disease that doesn’t discriminate. Its a disease that can affect your mother, father,sister or brother.Its a disease that can affect you.

She had a mastectomy last week , we received the results yesterday, the cancer was actually in her entire breast, 2 of 24 lymphs were compromised, and the cancer cells have entered her blood stream.

We are currently awaiting to receive her chemotherapy plan which will be given tomorrow.

This is the start of a tough battle, a battle that i know my mum will fight to the end, and i will be right beside her.

updates soon xx

May 3, 2012

I drove up to see my mum today, she looked great she was smiling.

I met her in the doctors surgery, her hair was a little shorter in preparation for the chemo. but it suits her.

When the time comes i will shave it off for her, and i promised that i would take her wig shopping! Mum has always wanted to be a blonde – so that is the first one we will get!

We went into the Surgeons office together, her wound is healing well.

The doctor drained some fluid – which he said was quite normal. He is meeting with the panel of doctors today to get her chemotherapy plan, we will find this out tomorrow, it will be her birthday. The big 54 – not the best birthday present.

I’m going to drive up in the morning and take her out for a birthday breakfast, cant wait!

Until then xo

June 1,2012

Mum had her chemo treatment, just the start and its not agreeing with her so well. There’s nothing worse then seeing someone you love so sick.

The nurses say she will loose her hair in another two weeks, so i took Mum wig shopping. It was great to see her laughing! She tried on blonde wigs, brown wigs short and long. Mum settled on a shoulder length brown one, along with a couple of trendy turbans – she maybe losing her hair but she is definitely doing it in style! After that i took er to her favourite Cafe where she had a kiddies chocolate milkshake, and she drunk the WHOLE thing. After doing her groceries we went home – i made some toasted sandwhiches and we watched rashy television all afternoon. It was great seeing her eat, as she has been quite sick with the chemo. It was great mum and daughter day, which i will treasure her in this horrible journey. Mum will have another 17 weeks of chemo, we can only hope its doing its job.

Loz xo


ROCK chick is also trending at the moment and along with it are the studs,

i may not be able to sing, but at least i will look the part!

Everything from studded bags, studded dresses, studded shoes, studded leggings, you name it. With the extra bling comes the extra price tag!

But get excited you can create your one off pieces with minimal cost!

You can rake through your wardrobe for old plain tees and other items that need a re-work

Firstly, you can purchase the studs at most craft stores. However, i have found a great selection on

Now once you’ve bought your studs and chosen the item you want to attach them to, you need to line them up where you want them placed.

The good thing about these studs is they have two rivets either side on the back which make attaching so easy. You simply push the stud firmly into the material and it should pierce through. For thicker fabrics you may need to make a small hole first with a pin before pushing. The rivets need to be closed using pliers. This is how the stud is secured.

Studded success….xx